Privacy Policy

We, at Reteation, prioritize the privacy of your personal data. The following text explains what information we collect from you, how it’s collected, how we use it and how it’s kept safe.

This policy applies to the website

Reteation collects your Phone Number as well as your Email Id to facilitate communication between you and Reteation. We do not collect or store your personal banking details or any other details. Apart from the details submitted by you, no other details will be extracted from you.

We do not share any information with third party websites. Any information collected will be kept secured within Reteation’s network. Our employees have signed a non-disclosure agreement that legally binds them from revealing any of our customer’s personal information.


Contact Us

Head office- Reteation Tea Private Limited
Rajat Tower R C Patowari Path,
Ulubari Guwahati Kamrup-781007

Dispatch centre
Ground floor T 114/A, Teghoria main road,
PO Hatiara, PS- Baguiati, Kolkata- 700157


Phone number: 8757853095